Question & Answer 英語閱讀有獎徵答
請在閱讀完Going to the movies (By Stephanie)回答1-4題、Halloween (萬聖節)回答5-8題,
完成下列問題,並於2017 10/26 星期四以前提交有獎徵答問卷。
完成下列問題,並於2017 10/26 星期四以前提交有獎徵答問卷。
1. Q: Are Ethan and Anson in the movie theater now?
2. Q: Can they go to the movies this Sunday?
3. Q: Which following sentence is correct?
4. Q: Is the movie popular?
5. Q: What is main idea?
6. Q: When is Halloween?
7. Q: What do they plan to do?
8. Q: Which one is NOT mentioned in the talking?
問題全對的名單將於2017 10/27星期五公布在FB桃園市快樂國小英語聊天室中,名字出現在榮譽單上的學生可到教務處領取榮譽卡,加油喔!