Question & Answer 英語閱讀有獎徵答
請在閱讀完ravel English: Bath Time (By Stephanie)回答1-4題、Thanksgiving Day (感恩節)回答5-8題,
完成下列問題,並於2017 10/19 星期四以前提交有獎徵答問卷。
完成下列問題,並於2017 10/19 星期四以前提交有獎徵答問卷。
1. Q: Where is Andy?
A. He is in the living room.
B. He is in the bathroom.
C. He is in the kitchen.
D. He is in the yard.
2. Q: How does Andy feel after taking a shower?
A. He feels angry.
B. He feels happy.
C. He feels fresh.
D. She feels fresh.
3. Q: Which sentence is correct?
A. Can I go to the park?
B. Can I going to the park?
C. Am I go to the park?
D. Will I going to the park?
4. Q: What do you need to clean yourself well?
A. A soap.
B. Some cookies.
C. A lot of toys.
D. Some ice cream.
5. Q. What is main idea?
A. Halloween
B. Christmas
C. Mother’s Day
D. Thanksgiving Day
6. Q. When is Thanksgiving?
A. The fourth Thursday of May
B. The fourth Thursday of November
C. The fourth Thursday of December
D. The fourth Thursday of June
7. Q. What do students plan to do?
A. They plan to travel.
B. They plan to study hard.
C. They plan to have a meal.
D. They plan to watch TV.
8. Q. Which one is NOT mentioned in the talking?
A. Candy
B. Turkey
C. Pumpkin pie
D. mashed potatoes
問題全對的名單將於2017 10/20星期五公布在FB桃園市快樂國小英語聊天室中,名字出現在榮譽單上的學生可到教務處領取榮譽卡,加油喔!